People have been adorning their bodies with the beauty of natural objects for thousands of years. Primitive man wore necklaces made from the bones, claws and teeth of slaughtered animals. Nowadays jewelry can be made of precious metals such as gold and silver, but there are also jewelry made of glass, pewter or plastic. An object therefore does not have to contain gemstones and/or precious metal to be a jewel.

Who would ever believe that some of the world's most unusual and eye-catching jewelry comes from plants? With the exception of amber and coconut pearls, most botanical jewelry is made from relatively inexpensive materials. Polished wooden beads, colourful seeds and pieces of palm, bamboo and tropical hardwood are strung on fine nylon filament, producing attractive necklaces and bracelets that rival any synthetic timeless jewellery.

In terms of aesthetic beauty and intrinsic value, plant jewelry can rank as high as any gemstone. Exotic seed necklaces from indigenous cultures around the world often contain fantastic stories about their origins and legendary uses.

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